Contact Crosslinks
For general enquiries, please contact Crosslinks reception on 9374 1600, email [email protected] or submit the enquiry form.
6 Cale Street, Midland WA 6056 -
Phone (8.00am - 4.00pm Monday to Thursday; 8.00am - 3.00pm Fridays)
(08) 9374 1600
After hours (Crosslinks participants only)
0417 172 376 -
(08) 9250 5911 -
[email protected]
Send An Enquiry
We welcome referrals from support coordinators, healthcare professionals and other disability service providers.
We see all feedback (positive and negative) as an opportunity to improve the quality of our services and to safeguard our participants. If you would like to raise a concern, make a complaint or send us a compliment, you can do so by:
- Speaking with the individual support worker, area supervisor, manager or CEO in person or by phone (08) 9374 1600
- Sending an email to [email protected]
- Completing the form below (anonymous option)
Our Location

Crosslinks is located at 6 Cale St Midland. We’re only 350 metres away (4 minute walk) from the NDIS Midland branch.