NDIS Support Coordination
Crosslinks is a not-for-profit organisation that has been part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) since its inception.
We have an independent, highly experienced Support Coordination team that has many years experience in the disability sector, a thorough understanding of the NDIS, and some of the team have lived experience with disabilities. This means they have the knowledge and skills to obtain the best outcome for you.
The role of the Support Coordinators is to help you make sense of your NDIS plan and to work with you to translate your high level plan into the specific supports and services you need.
Our Support Coordinators are completely independent and you make all the choices. They just help the process so you’re not doing it all alone.
Successfully manage your Plan, your way
We understand what’s funded and can help you to:
- Maximise the best value for your NDIS funding
- Develop confidence in your ability to choose and manage providers
- Learn how to direct your own supports
- Explore possible connections in your community – we know the area well
- Overcome challenges and resolve points of crisis
- Liaise with Government agencies

find out more about our ndis support coordination
To find out more, simply call us on 9374 1600 and ask for NDIS Support Coordination.